Central Movement proudly serving Middletown since 2009

Central Movement has Classes in Middletown, Perfect for Kids, Teens, and Adults Martial Arts Lessons.

Who we Are And why You Should Train Here

Since we’ve opened, we’ve been dedicated to changing the lives of people one person at a time, through martial arts, education and coaching. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for all students and family members. We take pride in creating an environment for individuals to achieve, develop and succeed in their personal goals.

We strongly believe that martial arts can be for everyone, regardless of age, gender or experience levels. Throughout all of our programs, students will not only learn the necessary skill sets to protect themselves, we stand behind our realistic and practical approach, confident it will enable every member to achieve greatness and live their best life..

Get To Know Our World Class Instructors

About Us | Central Movement Middletown

Mrs. Kirk

Mrs. Kirk grew up as a competitive dancer and continued on to teach dance for 12 years. She pursued Martial Arts as a way to build strength and stability and received her black belt in 2009. During this time she started practicing yoga and went on to receive her 200 hour training and began managing a hot yoga studio. Rachel now helps to facilitate teacher trainings and specialized movement clinics for local studios.
With extensive knowledge of functional movement & breathwork, she now works with small groups and individuals on creating personal programs to help with mobility, stability, pain free movement and strength!
At Central Movement she is the woman behind the scenes… admin extraordinaire.

ERYT 200
Barefoot Training Specialist Certified
PRE & Postnatal Yoga/ Movement Expert
CES Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialis
Women’s Circle Facilitator
Self Proclaimed Birth Nerd (go ahead… ask me anything)

About Us | Central Movement Middletown

Nathan Kirk

Mr. Kirk received his Songahm Taekwondo 5th degree black belt in 2018. He has over 20 years of Martial Arts training and 10,000+ hours of teaching!
Mr. Kirk has trained in self defense, ground fighting, bully prevention, and multiple weapons. He has a passion for functional movement and is always seeking out his next training opportunity. His classes and Martial arts style is a culmination of his years of experience, bringing practical application to the forefront of his curriculum and teaching.

Level 1 FMS certification (Functional Movement Screening)
Barefoot Training Specialist Certified
Mr. Kirk has been active in Martial Arts for over 20 years. In 2018 he received his 5th Degree Black Belt in Songahm Taekwondo. He has multiple State and US District championship titles. As an Instructor, he’s been a Chief Instructor since 2008, with over 10,000 hours of teaching experience. When designing the curriculum for Central Movement he asks “How do we apply these martial arts concepts in real life”, using self defense, sparring, weapons training, and board breaking to help achieve that goal. Mr. Kirk has a gift for combining martial arts with functional movement, and is Level 1 FMS Certified (Functional Movement Screening), and Certified Barefoot Training Specialist. The goal is to work hard, get better, and enjoy the process along the way!

About Us | Central Movement Middletown

Alex Brisbane

Mr. Brisbane started with his family, accompanied by his mom, dad, and younger brother, who all reached their blackbelts within the school. Flash Forwards11 years, and he has achieved the rank of 3rd degree black belt in Songahm Taekwondo, and been teaching within the school for 4 years. Having started together with his family, Mr. Brisbane understands the benefits of training together, and the difference involved parents can have on the success in martial arts, as well as outside of the studio. Having graduated from Appoquinimink High School, he’s pursuing a degree in Aeronautics Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, and completing his pilots license.

About Us | Central Movement Middletown

Cat Boyd

Cat Boyd began their martial arts journey with us 7 years ago in the school, and has achieved their 2nd Degree Black Belt with us. They started with their family, and continue to practice diligently with 2 of their siblings in class. As a member of our Leadership Program, Cat began volunteering to assist in classes a couple years ago, and more recently has been brought on as a member of the staff. Boyd is attending First State Military Academy and plays an active roll there, even being involved in organizing and running a summer camp to assist new students coming into the school for the coming year. Boyd also progresses daily with their many artistic interests. They play guitar, sing, and are an avid drawer, without missing a beat in martial arts.

About Us | Central Movement Middletown

Sarah Miller

Ms. Miller is a Red/Black Belt in our school, and testing for blackbelt soon. She’s been learning the ropes as an Assistant Instructor in class, and is growing week by week.

(Head Instructor Info Goes Here) Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Pellentesque ut neque. Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Nunc nec neque. Maecenas egestas arcu quis ligula mattis placerat. Praesent ut ligula non mi varius sagittis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec venenatis vulputate lorem. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Praesent nonummy mi in odio. In turpis. Aenean massa. Cras id dui. Suspendisse faucibus, nunc et pellentesque egestas, lacus ante convallis tellus, vitae iaculis lacus elit id tortor.


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